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goLEAD Year 2: Experiential Leadership

August 15, 2019

The goLEAD program has officially launched as a two-year curricular program, designed to prepare servant-leaders by teaching leadership principles, collaborating with community and school leaders, and providing authentic experiences for students to learn, practice, and reflect on their leadership. The thought of doing leadership intentionally was the spark that created a leadership-development program that incorporates a balance between learning about leadership and actually experiencing it.



15 Strong

July 25, 2019

What does it take to create a successful football program? How can smaller high schools and private schools nurture and sustain a culture of winning? Championships are the goal of every program and finding the formula for achieving that goal is the challenge for every high school football program. To help define and reach this goal in a tangible way, 15 Strong was born.

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ParentEd.: Redshirting - Do They Need That Extra Year?

July 15, 2019

MPCS recently held a ParentEd. talk titled “Redshirting: Should They Stay or Should They Go?” The seminar delved into the recent trend of giving students an additional year between preschool and Kindergarten. Both sides of this controversial issue were discussed, and the benefits of each side were outlined. Here are some takeaways from this informative ParentEd. seminar.  


Get There From Here: Military Academies

June 17, 2019


“I solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.”


Get There From Here: Ivy League

June 06, 2019

The ivy covered halls of the nation’s most selective academic schools are the dreams of many high school students. What is the key for unlocking the door of admission to these schools? Is it extracurricular activities? The number of AP classes? Glowing teacher recommendation letters? How do GPA and test scores fit into all of this? We have some answers.


Get There From Here: Collegiate Athletics

May 30, 2019

Picture yourself on a Saturday afternoon in September. Where are you? Sanford Stadium? Bobby Dodd Stadium? Your friend's living room with three TV’s hooked up for all the big games? How about the month of March. Are you constantly checking scores on your lunch break to see which team will be “The Cinderella Story” on the way to the big dance? The same could be said for June as we are watching softball and baseball Championship Series being played or in July on an Olympic year. We all have a team that we are rooting for to win for a variety of reasons.


Get There From Here: Arts in College

May 24, 2019

The ability to pursue arts degrees and careers after attending MPCS is simple and well-proven. Mount Paran Christian School has a unique, world-class facility and capable staff focused to prepare students for the study of the arts in higher education, be it instrumental or vocal music performance, dance, theatre, technical theatre, commercial music, traditional and digital visual arts, arts education, arts therapy, film-making, or cinematography – you name it. If an MPCS student can dream it, the arts program at MPCS can deliver instruction and provide experiences to help get them ready for arts majors in college. More importantly, we do so through the lens of our mission to fulfill the calling placed on them through their artistic gifts.


Get There From Here: Christian Colleges

May 17, 2019

Choosing a college that is a best fit academically, socially, and financially is an enormous decision.  Some students go for a school with an easily recognizable reputation, while others choose based on practicality of location and/or finances.  While there are many factors involved, one factor is often overlooked: choosing a college that will support and encourage a student’s faith while challenging him/her to apply faith to their studies. 

Commitment to Excellence the MPC Way

May 08, 2019


Earlier this year, Mount Paran Christian School won “Best Private School” in Cobb County. The school as a whole strives for excellence and commits to do everything as unto the Lord as He calls the Christian community to do. The MPC athletics program is no exception. As part of the MPC Way set of core values, our student-athletes also continue to strive for success on the field and on the court. Each team takes pride in the work they put in the off-season to prepare for competition. In our sports community, there is no greater-established tradition of attaining a higher level of excellence than that of our championship cheer team who embodies our fifth core value- “commitment to excellence.”

Cheer Champs coaches

Get There From Here: UGA and Georgia Tech

May 02, 2019

Deciding which college to attend is one of the most exciting and difficult decisions our seniors face each year. The MPCS college counseling department is available to guide students through this often perplexing process. From parent and student meetings starting in ninth grade to individualized sessions with juniors and seniors, college counseling at MPCS empowers our high school students to be proactive in their college search.  


Family Serve Day

April 17, 2019
the past

For well over a decade, one of the greatest days each year at Mount Paran Christian School has been our day of service. It was on this day that the entire staff and students would stop their normal routine of teaching and classes and spend the day serving our community. Through that annual experience, we have formed great partnerships with ministries in our community, exposed our students to the needs of those around us, and were able to focus on one of the things we want most for our kids — teaching them to show God’s love through serving others.


ParentEd.: What parents learned from Dr. Tim Elmore

April 12, 2019

This winter, more than a hundred members of our MPCS community were honored to attend a presentation by Dr. Tim Elmore of Growing Leaders. As a pastor and author inspiring a new generation of leaders, Dr. Elmore spoke about parenting of millennials and the emerging generation Z. As expected, Dr. Elmore did not disappoint! For nearly two hours, the audience clung on to every word. Parents left the Kristi Lynn Theatre that night both excited and overwhelmed about what was presented. To recap, we will reflect on the points that most resonated with parents and educators.

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Women's History Month: Girls in STEAM

March 28, 2019

With its official beginnings in 1987, Women’s History Month is celebrated in March to honor the contribution of women to American History.  Jimmy Carter, who issued our nation’s first Presidential proclamation of National Women’s History Week in 1980 explained, “From the first settlers who came to our shores, from the first American Indian families who befriended them, men and women have worked together to build this nation. Too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions went unnoticed. But the achievements, leadership, courage, strength and love of the women who built America was as vital as that of the men whose names we know so well.”

Women's history month picture of STEAM girls

Our World Needs the Liberal Arts

March 21, 2019


At MPCS, we see the study of the liberal arts (humanities, science, mathematics, and the arts – broadly categorized) as a vehicle for enabling our students to develop as well-rounded individuals and to mature in community with one another. We see the liberal arts as a means of delivering truly important information and providing the tools that enable our students to think and process that information, so that upon graduation they have become well-informed, civically minded, flourishing humans. 


Relentless Effort the MPC Way

March 15, 2019


The MPC Way has been incorporated into the value system of the teams at Mount Paran Christian School. Our athletes are continually learning what it means to live out the five core values. One of the most difficult goals to accomplish as an athlete is putting forth relentless effort. Relentless effort means putting in the hard work and having determination. MPC coaches challenge student-athletes to focus on the goal and to put forth the effort to set themselves up for greatness. Sports involving running test a competitor's stamina like no other. The Mount Paran Christian track and field and cross country teams have showcased relentless effort even when the odds were stacked against them.


ParentEd. – Let's Talk: The Scoop on Speech Therapy

February 27, 2019

How children develop speech and language skills is a strong predictor of reading and school success. There is a strong connection between the correct development of speech and language skills and learning to read in school. Children who struggle to develop age-appropriate speech and language skills as toddlers and preschoolers often have difficulty becoming competent readers. It is important to recognize that although somewhat related, there are distinct differences between speech disorders and language disorders.



Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.

The goLEAD program has officially launched as a two-year curricular program, designed to prepare servant-leaders by teaching leadership principles, collaborating with community...

15 Strong - 07/25/2019

What does it take to create a successful football program? How can smaller high schools and private schools nurture and sustain a culture of winning? Championships are the goal of...

MPCS recently held a ParentEd. talk titled “Redshirting: Should They Stay or Should They Go?” The seminar delved into the recent trend of giving students an additional year...


“I solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear...

The ivy covered halls of the nation’s most selective academic schools are the dreams of many high school students. What is the key for unlocking the door of admission to these...

Picture yourself on a Saturday afternoon in September. Where are you? Sanford Stadium? Bobby Dodd Stadium? Your friend's living room with threeTV’s hooked up for all the big...

The ability to pursue arts degrees and careers after attending MPCS is simple and well-proven. Mount Paran Christian School has a unique, world-class facility and capable staff...

Choosing a college that is a best fit academically, socially, and financially is an enormous decision. Some students go for a school with an easily recognizable reputation, while...


Earlier this year, Mount Paran Christian School won “Best Private School” in Cobb County. The school as a whole strives for excellence and commits to do...

Deciding which college to attend is one of the most exciting and difficult decisions our seniors face each year. The MPCS college counseling department is available to guide...

Family Serve Day - 04/17/2019
the past

For well over a decade, one of the greatest days each year at Mount Paran Christian School has been our day of service. It was on this day that the entire staff and...

This winter, more than a hundred members of our MPCS community were honored to attend a presentation by Dr. Tim Elmore of Growing Leaders. As a pastor and author inspiring a new...

With its official beginnings in 1987, Women’s History Month is celebrated in March to honor the contribution of women to American History. Jimmy Carter, who issued our nation’s...


At MPCS, we see the study of the liberal arts (humanities, science, mathematics, and the arts – broadly categorized) as a vehicle for...


The MPC Way has been incorporated into the value system of the teams at Mount Paran Christian School. Our athletes are continually learning what it means...

How children develop speech and language skills is a strong predictor of reading and school success. There is a strong connection between the correct development of speech and...


Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.


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