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Digital Citizenship: Privacy is Paramount

May 04, 2017

In Matthew 16:26, Jesus said, "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" In today's social media culture, people tend to focus on the excitement of sharing their life experiences with everyone without thinking about exactly how that affects their personal privacy. For that reason, it is important for all users to set up privacy settings on their devices and social media apps in order to protect themselves from exposure to the "world." 

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Digital Citizenship: Getting Personal

April 27, 2017

People of all ages enjoy sharing photos and life updates via social media. It is a platform to communicate with family and friends about our daily lives. Many social media users post activities every day, not always thinking about who might be watching. Privacy settings may give a false sense of safety. There may be more at stake with every post.


Digital Citizenship: Social Media 101

April 21, 2017

Proverbs 5:21 - For your ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all your paths.  

As we guide our children through an ever-changing digital world, it is our job to help them learn to be strong digital citizens who act in a godly, Christian manner. Being a good digital citizen is more than being a safe Internet user. We need to unite in support of our children as they learn to be responsible and cautious in their use of technology, and show respect for themselves and others. Due to constantly evolving technology, parents tend to allow children to have access to various technologies, apps, and websites without knowing if they are appropriate. Mount Paran Christian School wants to partner with parents to ensure the safety of our children in this digital world. To this end, we are sharing this blog series in hopes the information will make you more aware of how children are using various websites and apps and how you can monitor their activity.

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Living the Great Commission - One Student at a Time

April 07, 2017

When a student serves on a mission trip, he or she will often get a glimpse into the heart of God. We serve a big God that has amazing  plans for his people and the nations. While on a short-term mission trip, students sense God's amazing compassion for "every tribe and tongue and people and nation" (Revelation 5:9). Once one grasps the compassion of God, it becomes easier to engage in Kingdom-building. The Great Commission, as outlined in Matthew 28, is not a suggestion; it is a command. We must be willing to accept the calling that God has placed on our lives.

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A Place for All Learners

April 03, 2017


All children are uniquely created with distinct strengths upon which they can build. Children should not be not categorized as more able or less able to learn; the focus should be on understanding and developing each child’s capacity for learning so that he or she can become a confident, self-directed, and resourceful student.

The Creative Thinker

March 21, 2017

Why is personal creative expression beneficial to young minds? How can engagement in the arts influence overall capacity for learning? Research shows that aside from the obvious aesthetic and entertainment value that comes with the arts, arts education can be linked to improving academic achievement, among other things. 

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Student Mentoring Made Meaningful

March 15, 2017

As parents, we are constantly teaching our children, modeling behavior, and doing our best to help shape them into responsible Christian citizens. We take them to church, Sunday school, youth groups, and summer camps. We enroll them in arts, clubs, and sports teams, looking for teachable moments at every turn. We pray they develop relationships with role-models that develop their character. How can we ensure that our children are being influenced by godly people that will help to “train up a child in the way he should go?”


Day Care vs. MPCS Preschool: What's the Difference?

March 07, 2017


Inside the quaint and cozy Sewell Cottage at Mount Paran Christian School, the preschool staff works enthusiastically to provide an exemplary instructional program which sets MPCS students up for success as they advance to kindergarten. We are often asked how MPCS preschool differs from other early-childhood programs offered in the community.

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Glowing for God

February 14, 2017

Matthew 5:14 — “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”

In the classroom, on the field, during lunch, and in the quiet moments in between, special things are happening at Mount Paran Christian School. There is more to the school day than just science labs and math facts.

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Girls in the fifth grade took the initiative to participate in a Bible study during lunch on Thursdays with the lower school counselor. One student, Peyton E., expressed a desire to study the book of Ruth with her classmates. Teachers obliged and have encouraged the girls to engage in the study in addition to their academic load. What has followed has led to fruitful discussions and a sweet time of fellowship for these tweens.

Why WHY Matters

February 08, 2017

In supporting the learning of our young people, it is instructive for parents and educators to take a moment and think back to their youth. When reflecting upon when they were young children, many people will likely recall the vast and varied things in which they were interested — some of them random, some of them comical, and some of them remarkably deep in their quest for knowing more. Many will likely recall asking a lot of questions that started with why?  Why this mommy? Why this daddy? Why, Why, Why! In other words, when most people reflect on their early years, they likely recall being extremely curious, almost insatiably so.



Informed Faith: A Concrete Case for Christian Education

January 31, 2017



You’re a great parent. Just skim through your Facebook mobile uploads and an array of magical memories (pumpkin patch, summer vacations, special outings) will reveal your parenting prowess. You love your kids—which is why you coach them, teach them, play with them, and pray for them.

It’s also why you’ve likely thoughtfully weighed where your children will attend school. After all, children will spend more waking hours at school than at home between the ages of 5 and 18. That’s a big deal.


Retreat Daily with Sabbath

January 19, 2017

As the new year begins, we often spend time reflecting on the year that has just passed. We glow in memories of joy, success, and contentment, and we ache over hardships, struggles, and trials. As I reflect on the past semester as the head of Mount Paran Christian high school, I can honestly say there were hardships – but far more moments of sheer joy.

The Global Classroom

January 14, 2017

The hum of florescent light bulbs overhead, a cardigan-clad teacher scribbling on a chalkboard, students yawning as the clock ticks monotonously: this educational system requires radical overhaul as our learning climate is affected by the globalization technology affords. If student academic learning is no longer restricted to textbooks and lectures and libraries, what is the best method of education? What if traditional approaches to teaching Shakespeare were married with the opportunities to interview locals in Stratford-upon-Avon, walk through his childhood home, watch a play performed at the Globe Theatre, and create a web-based presentation of discoveries?

4 Benefits of the Daily Devotion

January 04, 2017

For most of us, the beginning of the day can be hectic, and our school is no different. Parents are dropping off kids as they rush to work or begin the long list of tasks they have to accomplish that day. Kids are hurrying to their classrooms, unpacking backpacks, talking to friends, and looking over notes for the test in first period. Faculty are finalizing the lesson they will teach that day, catching up on e-mails, and organizing their schedule so they can accomplish as much as they are able on their to-do list.

Why Independent School?

December 27, 2016

Over the years, many have asked me what they can expect if they bring their children to an independent private school like MPCS. Of course, as parents, we all expect rigorous academics and sports opportunities combined with loving, qualified teachers. Those should be the basics. But what allows those elements to develop the mind and heart of my child? How does an independent school versus a public school accomplish this? Each time I have shared:

An Hour is Just the Beginning

December 14, 2016


With technology changing every industry on the planet, computing knowledge has become part of a well-rounded skillset. Lower school STEAM classes at Mount Paran Christian School (MPCS) join millions of students across the globe by participating in the Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week. The Hour of Code is an international initiative enabling schools to offer a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. The Hour of Code event was created to raise awareness and exposure to coding for all kids of all ages. 


Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.

In Matthew 16:26, Jesus said, "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" In today's social media culture, people tend to focus on the...

People of all ages enjoy sharing photos and life updates via social media. It is a platform to communicate with family and friends about our daily lives. Many social media users...

Proverbs 5:21 - For your ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all your paths.  

As we guide our children through an ever-changing digital world, it is our job to help...

When a student serves on a mission trip, he or she will often get a glimpse into the heart of God. We serve a big God that has amazing plans for his people and the nations. While...


All children are uniquely created with distinct strengths upon which they can build. Children should not be not categorized as more able or less able to...

Why is personal creative expression beneficial to young minds? How can engagement in the arts influence overall capacity for learning? Research shows that aside from the obvious...

As parents, we are constantly teaching our children, modeling behavior, and doing our best to help shape them into responsible Christian citizens. We take them to church, Sunday...


Inside the quaint and cozy Sewell Cottage at Mount Paran Christian School, the preschool staff works enthusiastically to provide an...

Glowing for God - 02/14/2017

Matthew 5:14 — “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”

In the classroom, on the field, during lunch, and in the quiet moments in between,...

Why WHY Matters - 02/08/2017

In supporting the learning of our young people, it is instructive for parents and educators to take a moment and think back to their youth. When reflecting upon when they were...


You’re a great parent. Just skim through your Facebook mobile uploads and an array of magical memories (pumpkin patch, summer...

As the new year begins, we often spend time reflecting on the year that has just passed. We glow in memories of joy, success, and contentment, and we ache over hardships,...

The hum of florescent light bulbs overhead, a cardigan-clad teacher scribbling on a chalkboard, students yawning as the clock ticks monotonously: this educational system requires...

For most of us, the beginning of the day can be hectic, and our school is no different. Parents are dropping off kids as they rush to work or begin the long list of tasks they...

Over the years, many have asked me what they can expect if they bring their children to an independent private school like MPCS. Of course, as parents, we all expect rigorous...


With technology changing every industry on the planet, computing knowledge has become part of a well-rounded skillset. Lower school STEAM classes at Mount...


Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.


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