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Biblical Worldview

2 Corintians 10:4-5

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ...

Just recently I found my vision fading… blurring. Everything I was looking at was not the same. That was really hard to accept for someone who has always had better than 20/20 vision.

So I finally broke down and bought some glasses. Not the expensive kind — but the cheap, pharmacy kind. After putting them on, I was shocked to find out just how “bad” my eyesight had actually gotten. Immediately, everything became crystal clear again. Everything I looked at was different… sharp… in focus. This illustrates our lives perfectly. We are all looking at the same world, just not in the same way — and it’s our worldview that makes the difference.

What Exactly is My Worldview?bonn paris eiffeltowerkids.jpg

A worldview is the framework in which we view our reality and make sense of the world in which we live. We all have one. Everyone on the planet. Think of your worldview as a pair of glasses. Although you hardly notice them on your face, they affect ALL that you look at. And all of us are making decisions everyday that reflect it. The problem is, we never really think about ours — the effect our worldview is having on our lives. But where our kids are concerned, the “effect” is greater than ever before. The numbers are shocking — sad even... of 15-35 year olds across America today:

  • 80% declare they are not “born again”
  • 94% do NOT believe in one or more of the cardinal doctrines of Christianity
  • More than 65% have no problem with same-sex marriage
  • 76% do not attend any church
  • And most shocking… only 4% say that they have a “biblical” worldview

The reality is that most people have shaped the core of their worldview
before the age of 15. That fact makes what we do at Mount Paran Christian School that much more important. With what worldview are we sending our kids out into the world? What are the foundations we are helping to lay that will forever shape the lives of our students?


Through a Biblical Lens

You would be happy to know that MPCS is taking an intentional, proactive approach to building a solid biblical worldview for each student enrolled. From pre-K through grade 12, teachers, staff, and coaches are creatively and intentionally integrating biblical worldview “shaping” into lessons, activities, and practices. From analyzing a Psalm through a poetic lens in literature to studying the important role Christianity played in the foundation of our country in AP US History, MPCS is teaching students that their relationship with Christ is not just one facet of their lives — but should be woven into every facet of their lives. They are learning from very early on that academics, arts, and athletics are not to be performed separate from their faith, but in concert with it.


This tradition of biblical worldview integration will not only continue but will move forward with a renewed vision — one that will instill a rich biblical foundation and will train and encourage each of our students to confront other worldviews by “taking captive every thought in obedience to Christ.”

The desire at MPCS is that the Bible will become more than just another subject... but a lifestyle lived, more than just a written text — the Living Word. Biblical worldview integration is just one more way that MPCS is producing more than academically-prepared students — but servant-leaders prepared to HONOR God, LOVE others, and WALK in Truth.



Steve Kyle is the Director of Christian Life at Mount Paran Christian School. 

To learn more about how faith is constantly nurtured in students at all levels through Christian Life at MPCS, please click here.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.