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What is a Covenant School?

If you know a little about Christian education with experience as a parent, teacher, or administrator you might be aware that there are pretty significant differences among religious schools. You may have had the privilege of being a part of several different christian school communities — large and small, up north or down south, preschool or just high school. A big difference among these independent Christian schools that they may or may not share is whether they are covenantal or not. This begs the question: what does being a covenant school actually mean?


Since its founding in 1976 and establishment of the high school in 1986, Mount Paran Christian School has chosen to be and remain a covenantal school. That is a part of what makes the school so uniquely special. Current families and students, as well as alumni and their parents know this well. It’s something you feel when you’re on campus. Something almost tangible you notice in your children when they come home from school. It’s a deep understanding that the community of believers share a core value in common with one another — the Christian covenant.



A Christian perspective on education has become far more the exception rather than the rule in recent years. Of the approximately 55 million K-12 students in the U.S., only about 3 million attend Christian schools – less than the approximately 3.5 million attending Charter schools. And of those 3 million students enrolled in Christian schools, fewer than one-third of the schools they attend are covenantal in mission. Mount Paran Christian School is a covenantal institution, which is a part of what makes the school unique in the marketplace.





Let's first unpack for you what is meant by “covenantal.” In biblical terms, a covenant was a binding agreement that defined a commitment or an obligation between two parties. As such, a covenantal Christian school seeks to bind parents, students, and the institution together through a common pledge to educate all students within the school and at home through the lens of a biblical worldview. Traditionally, most covenant Christian schools therefore require at least one parent to be a professing Christian – one who understands Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

As an example of a covenantal Christian school, MPCS trusts each of its participating families share a commitment to the Christian faith and involvement in the ministry of a local church of any denomination. Parental statements of faith are an important part of the partnership between MPCS and our families. More than 120 churches and 19 denominations are represented by the MPCS student-body. Our school community is unapologetic about our commitment to a Christ-centered education and seeks to integrate that faith in all aspects of school life.





Though many private schools proclaim Christianity, not all require a covenantal commitment with families or any mutual dedication to their faith. However, a covenant unifies a school-wide community with a singular purpose — to bolster the faith of future leaders who are exceedingly prepared for college and fully equipped to impact the world for Christ.  

As a covenant school and a Christian ministry, an MPCS applicant (depending on age) and his/her family must confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, express a belief in biblical teachings, and exhibit a willingness to follow them by actively engaging in Kingdom work. Parents and applicants must read and agree to support Mount Paran Christian School’s Statement of Faith and commit to uphold Christian principles in their daily lives. MPCS expects families to actively participate in a local church body.





Choosing to be a covenantal school is more than just having a statement of faith and christian families. Being a covenant school helps guide the mission of MPCS in three major ways: 

Being covenantal provides us with a common direction. As a school community we prioritize the commitment to remain Christ-centered in all things we do. Being covenantal keeps us intentionally pointed to Christ and His Word. In a world where truth is uncertain, we desire to remain pointed to the only source of absolute Truth. 

Second, being covenantal provides us with a Bible-based framework for correction. Although no Christian school is perfect, we do operate with expected behavior and lifestyle policies rooted in scripture. Living in relationship is not always easy. Our covenant gives us a starting point to occasionally deal with difficult situations. Although we are a community of grace, biblical correction is sometimes necessary.  

Finally, being a covenant school provides MPCS with a certain level of protection. In an ever-changing world where culture is being defined as relative, we can hold to our unchanging Biblical worldview to guide us when challenges come. In many aspects we are called to be counter-cultural and our covenant can protect us as we do. We know that being counter-cultural on certain issues is not only okay but is exactly what God through His Word has called us to do and be.

Keep in mind that being covenantal does not mean perfection. We are a community made up of people far from perfect. And although it is our desire to live well, we recognize that we have all fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). As such, being a community of grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness is essential as we live together and consistently seek unity both with God and one another. 





A covenantal Christian school may not be for every Christian family, and that is okay as God uses non-covenant schools for His glory and His honor also. Christian schools of all sorts shape and impact the hearts and minds of His children. However at MPCS, it is our desire that every family member of the school has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

MPCS has an incredible mission to reach Christian families and their children, preparing our students to be servant-leaders who honor God, love others, and walk in Truth. The covenantal commitment is meant to ensure that as we further the mission of the school, we do so relying on the tact that what is being taught at home should be reinforced at school, at church, and in the broad MPCS community. The covenantal environment creates an extraordinary place to educate children, partnering with home as a covenantal community. This enables teachers and parents to immerse every student in the life-changing Word of God. Together we give thanks to God for a place to do this Kingdom work.

As parents consider what it means to have their children in a covenantal school, they should resonate with the core values the school nurtures in every student. Raising up children together in a like-minded, covenant community may bring reassurance for families who are looking for that solid school and home alignment. 


Mr. Steve Kyle serves as the Assistant Head of School for Christian Life at Mount Paran Christian School. 


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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.