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How to Choose the Best Private School for Your Family

April 15, 2020

Families in Cobb County and the northwest metro-Atlanta area have many options when it comes to choosing the best school for their children, from great neighborhood public schools to several private school alternatives. For those who feel certain about the value of an independent school education for their child, how should families make the decision on which school is the best for their family?

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7 Tips for Parents Working from Home

March 24, 2020

It's been a little over a week of Virtual Learning at Mount Paran Christian School. With many government mandates and suggestions that workplaces operate on a "work from home" basis, parents are also finding themselves navigating new territory. Feedback from this new experience is that families have managed the transition to working from home very well! To support parents' success at home both in supporting students as well as keeping up with work demands, we'd like to share seven helpful tips to make the most of your home office experience.  

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6 Tips For Making the Most of Virtual Learning

March 18, 2020

We are in an unprecedented time in modern history, with a shift to virtual learning required for the very health and safety of our communities. In many ways, recent technological advances have been preparing us for this shift, with students becoming more and more adept at using smart devices and more schools incorporating technology into the classrooms via smartboards and apps. But moving to entirely online courses with children studying from home has not been the norm for American society. The question remains, how do we successfully navigate these uncharted waters?

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Why Are Schools Cursing Cursive?

March 05, 2020

With the shift towards more technology in the classroom, it should come as no surprise that the majority of states—more than 40—no longer require handwriting instruction, especially cursive handwriting.

According to a report from 11Alive news, Georgia requires instruction of cursive writing, typically beginning in grade three. However, since cursive writing is not assessed at the state level and is left to local determination for assessment, in most Georgia schools, cursive writing is no longer being taught.



Imago Dei: Why Diversity Matters

February 19, 2020

Writing and/or speaking about diversity is never easy. In some ways, I feel as though I will never satisfy everyone who reads or hears what I have to say. However, to remain silent about such issues, especially as the head of school at a good-sized Christian independent school would be wrong. It would be cowardly. Now, I know I do not have all the answers. I may not even have a lot of the answers, but I am always seeking them. Likewise, I am hopeful that you will come to this blog desiring to learn, to understand others’ perspectives, and to better exemplify the kindness of God here on earth.

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The Sacrifice

February 06, 2020

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

— Philippians 2:4

The MPC Lady Eagles softball team advanced to the Elite Eight in State Tournament play this past autumn. Leading up to their recent tournament appearance, the team kicked off their region play with what seemed an easy victory against their opponent. Yet, despite how effortless the team’s actions appeared, much hard work and preparation laid the groundwork before every game.

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Elementary School P.E.P. Talk for Parents

January 30, 2020

The purpose of the MPCS ParentEd. P.E.P. Talks series is to provide helpful information to parents as they navigate different stages of their children’s lives. Three unique sessions were developed and presented for each school division, from lower school through high school. The second part of this blog series focuses on the lower/elementary school years and its associated challenges and opportunities. 


We Are One People

January 21, 2020

During Veteran’s Day chapel this past November, MPCS Coach Connie Arnold described this special school-wide gathering as his “favorite day of the year.” Coach Arnold then introduced guest speaker Mel Pender Jr., an 82-year old, spry veteran who had just celebrated his birthday the week before. Dr. Pender shared an especially moving and unifying message for the school community of students, staff, parents, grandparents, and friends in attendance. 



ParentEd.: How to Overcome the Pressures of the Teenage Years

January 16, 2020

"Perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it’s often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life-paralysis." ― Brené Brown

In a world where we feel the pressure to be perfect, it’s easy to forget that chasing perfection is an angst-riddled and lonely journey. We are not meant to do life alone, and, yet, in the spirit of appearing “perfect,” we often forget that parenting requires a village, not an Instagram filter. 




Hope in What We Cannot See

December 11, 2019

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Hope. A four-letter word that changes everything.

Hope in our future. Hope that God will bring beauty from our past. Hope in God’s protection. Hope in relationships. Hope in our circumstances. Hope in God’s will for our lives, our children’s lives, our grandchildren’s lives.



High School P.E.P. Talk for Parents

December 05, 2019

Under the umbrella of its ParentEd. program, Mount Paran Christian School created a new parent education series this academic year entitled P.E.P. Talks - Parents Engaging Purposefully. These P.E.P. Talks were intentionally designed to strengthen the school's partnership with the home, in alignment with the school's mission:

“Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.”

The purpose of the P.E.P. Talks series was to provide helpful information to parents as they navigate different stages of their children’s lives. Three unique sessions were developed and presented for each school division, from lower school through high school. This first part of this blog series focuses on managing the challenges of the high school years. 

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School Strategy In The Pursuit of Excellence

November 18, 2019

Strategic planning is a process that independent schools, non-profit organizations, and for-profit businesses and industries typically undertake on a regular basis to ensure they are meeting their mission, acting upon their core values, and appropriately setting goals around those strategic initiatives. As such, over the course of the 2019-2020 school year, MPCS is engaging in the strategic-planning process. This process is meant to be comprehensive and allow every stakeholder (students, alumni, parents, grandparents, board, faculty, and staff) to provide input into the direction of the school over the next five years. By engaging our people, our goal is to inspire and unite our community through the process, allowing us all to be a part of something bigger, so that our students may flourish.


Letter to My Alma Mater: Servant-Leadership

November 14, 2019


One of the many benefits of an independent school education is that school leadership has the freedom to choose curricula, which can include biblical teaching and religious discussions. The benefits of such an educational opportunity have an eternal impact on young lives, with students deepening their faith and developing servants’ hearts.

In this final installment of the “Letter to My Alma Mater” series, alumni share how their relationship with God transformed during their time at MPCS and how developing a strong belief system has shaped their future.


Letter to My Alma Mater: Athletics

November 07, 2019


For this third installment of the “Letter to My Alma Mater” series, former MPCS athletes offer their perspectives on making the transition from the field to the real world. Along the way, these alumni have made the MPC Way a part of their core values, demonstrating humility, passion, integrity, relentless pursuit, and a commitment to excellence in all they do.

          Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images

MPCS Core Values

October 29, 2019

Over the past sixteen months, the Mount Paran Christian School Board of Trustees and Executive Council have spent extensive time discussing the mission of the school, the culture of our community, and the direction we are going in the future. As we head into the winter and spring quarters of this school year, we will engage the entire community in the strategic planning process (my next blog post will explore this process).  However, before we get there, we knew we would need to first examine the school’s mission as it was written years ago and determine the core values that will help us consider and make decisions about every area of the school for the coming years.


Letter to My Alma Mater: Arts

October 24, 2019

From encouraging creative thinking to working collaboratively, from honing skills to building confidence, the arts provide both an outlet for expression and input for developing innate artistic talent.

For the second part of the “Letter to My Alma Mater” series, MPCS alumni share how participation in the arts at the school changed their lives and offer advice for aspiring artists.

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Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.

Families in Cobb County and the northwest metro-Atlanta area have many options when it comes to choosing the best school for their children, from great neighborhood public schools...

It's been a little over a week of Virtual Learning at Mount Paran Christian School. With many government mandates and suggestions that workplaces operate on a "work from home"...

We are in an unprecedented time in modern history, with a shift to virtual learning required for the very health and safety of our communities. In many ways, recent technological...

With the shift towards more technology in the classroom, it should come as no surprise that the majority of states—more than 40—no longer require handwriting instruction,...

Writing and/or speaking about diversity is never easy. In some ways, I feel as though I will never satisfy everyone who reads or hears what I have to say. However, to remain...

The Sacrifice - 02/06/2020

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

— Philippians 2:4

The MPC Lady Eagles softball team advanced to the Elite Eight in State...

The purpose of the MPCS ParentEd. P.E.P. Talks series is to provide helpful information to parents as they navigate different stages of their children’s lives. Three unique...

We Are One People - 01/21/2020

During Veteran’s Day chapel this past November, MPCS Coach Connie Arnold described this special school-wide gathering as his “favorite day of the year.” Coach Arnold then...

"Perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it’s often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life-paralysis." ― Brené Brown

In a world where we feel the pressure to be...

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Hope. A four-letter...

Under the umbrella of its ParentEd. program, Mount Paran Christian School created a new parent education series this academic year entitled P.E.P. Talks - Parents Engaging...

Strategic planning is a process that independent schools, non-profit organizations, and for-profit businesses and industries typically undertake on a regular basis to ensure they...

One of the many benefits of an independent school education is that school leadership has the freedom to choose curricula, which can include biblical teaching and religious...

For this third installment of the “Letter to My Alma Mater” series, former MPCS athletes offer their perspectives on making the transition from the field to the real world....

MPCS Core Values - 10/29/2019

Over the past sixteen months, the Mount Paran Christian School Board of Trustees and Executive Council have spent extensive time discussing the mission of the school, the culture...

From encouraging creative thinking to working collaboratively, from honing skills to building confidence, the arts provide both an outlet for expression and input for developing...


Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.


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