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Who is Tim Wiens?

August 02, 2018

In the summer of 2001, after my second year of teaching biology and chemistry at a suburban high school in Minnesota, I packed up my SUV and headed to Colorado. I needed some time away to pray and to ask God for his leading in my life. Every day that summer I would hike a new trail and pray that God would give me a husband that would make me a better woman. And just as God has done so often in my life, on the first day back at work in August, in a ballroom with hundreds of other educators, Tim Wiens was assigned a seat next to me. I remember almost every detail of that day (well, maybe not the actual professional development program): his sense of humor, his sharp mind, the way he interacted with everyone at the table and listened to them intently. I will save you the details of the embarrassing crush I developed on that day, but 18 months later, in that same ballroom, Tim Wiens asked me to marry him — and 15 years of marriage later, here we are, ready to begin our ministry at Mount Paran Christian School. 


Vision for the Future

July 19, 2018

What a pleasure it is to be a part of the Mount Paran Christian School community. As Katie, Eliot, and I have settled into our home and have been getting to know much more about the school and the many families that make up our community, I am more excited today about being at MPCS than ever before! Thank you for welcoming us so warmly and inviting us to be a part of your school family.

Since our arrival in March, it has been my privilege to sit down over meals, in your homes, by your pools, and in my office and to get to know so many of you. I look forward to much more of that in the future. I have also been blessed to hear so many of you express your love and gratitude for MPCS and for your children. Again, I look forward to hearing more about what makes Mount Paran Christian School such a special place. 

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A Farewell Charge

June 28, 2018
Allow me to begin my remarks by expressing my sincere appreciation to all of you who have, in various forms, provided me with affirming comments about my retirement whether on video, your attendance at events, your cards or e-mails expressing your best wishes, or an affirming remark over the past few weeks and months. I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Please know I will be thinking of you as I sit on the deck of a mountain cabin or cruise a river in Europe, or enjoy Scotland's landscape this August. Thanks!

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Leaving a Legacy

June 14, 2018
James Kouzes and Barry Posner, two highly respected leadership researchers and authors, make the following observation in their book entitled The Leadership Challenge. “Exemplary leaders know that if they want to gain commitment and achieve the highest standards, they must be models of the behavior they expect of others.” And what an appropriate description of Dr. Tilley’s leadership! When Mount Paran Christian School personnel meet with other educators, both locally and nationally, Dr. Tilley’s name and his profound influence are invariably the first things mentioned in each conversation. Dr. Tilley and Mount Paran Christian School are considered synonymous with one another.  And rightly so! His servant-leadership has garnered great renown. 
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On His Way to Harvard

August 23, 2017
The first few days of any school year have always presented multiple opportunities for me to witness affirmations of Mount Paran Christian School’s mission and experience. One such serendipitous moment came the first Wednesday of school. While on my way to the middle school chapel, the front office receptionist informed me that Preston Moore was here to see me. I gladly shifted direction and welcomed this young man into my office. I was honored he took time to come see his old headmaster.
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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.

Who is Tim Wiens? - 08/02/2018

In the summer of 2001, after my second year of teaching biology and chemistry at a suburban high school in Minnesota, I packed up my SUV and headed to Colorado. I needed some time...

What a pleasure it is to be a part of the Mount Paran Christian School community. As Katie, Eliot, and I have settled into our home and have been getting to know much more about...

A Farewell Charge - 06/28/2018
Allow me to begin my remarks by expressing my sincere appreciation to all of you who have, in various forms, provided me with affirming comments about my retirement whether on...
Leaving a Legacy - 06/14/2018
James Kouzes and Barry Posner, two highly respected leadership researchers and authors, make the following observation in their book entitled The Leadership Challenge.“Exemplary...
The first few days of any school year have always presented multiple opportunities for me to witness affirmations of Mount Paran Christian School’s mission and experience. One...


Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.


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