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Vision for the Future

What a pleasure it is to be a part of the Mount Paran Christian School community. As Katie, Eliot, and I have settled into our home and have been getting to know much more about the school and the many families that make up our community, I am more excited today about being at MPCS than ever before! Thank you for welcoming us so warmly and inviting us to be a part of your school family.

Since our arrival in March, it has been my privilege to sit down over meals, in your homes, by your pools, and in my office and to get to know so many of you. I look forward to much more of that in the future. I have also been blessed to hear so many of you express your love and gratitude for MPCS and for your children. Again, I look forward to hearing more about what makes Mount Paran Christian School such a special place. 

wiens at graduation


A Vision for MPCS

One of the questions I have been asked on a number of occasions is “what is your vision for MPCS?” My vision for Mount Paran Christian School is probably more complex than I can spell out in one short blog post. However, let me share a few of my beliefs about the future of MPCS and on Christian education in general.   

wiens professional photo 

1. I believe that MPCS is a truly great school. We can be better. 

In academics, arts, athletics, diversity, and community, we can and will grow together. Dr. Tilley stated in his farewell speech to the faculty that, “Mount Paran’s best days are ahead of us.” I believe that. Not because of what I bring to the school, but because of what you, the faculty, staff, students, and parents bring to this amazing place. 

2. I believe in the Imago Dei – the principle that we have all been created in the image of God (Genesis 5:1).

Whether we were born in Marietta, Mozambique, or a sleepy town in Minnesota, God knew us before he formed us in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). He created us and said we were very good (Genesis 1:31). And he desires that we love Him and one another above all else (Matthew 22:36-27).

3. I believe in community and the life-giving support that we have the opportunity, privilege, and responsibility of providing to one another.

We were created for community and MPCS does it well. Let’s never stop. Let’s aim to do it even better!

4. I believe Christian schools should be the best schools with the best teachers and the best programs.

Not because we are proud or boastful, but because we are called to do all as if unto Christ (Colossians 3:23). After all, if we do things as if unto Christ, there can be no room for mediocrity. This has been and will be the way of MPCS in the years to come. It is our biblical mandate.


5. I believe MPCS is a leader and will continue to grow as a leader in Christian education.

We are respected nationally. We are respected locally. This must never change. Why? See number 4.


6. I believe in the students of Mount Paran Christian School.

We have spectacular kids here at MPCS. They excel in the classroom, on the field and court, and on stage. Let us continue to build upon that which we have done and provide the opportunity for every student to leave us equipped to impact the world – not just tomorrow, but for eternity.


7. I believe in building a better tomorrow.

Where we will be 10 years from now, God only knows. However, he has equipped us with talent, resources, and opportunity. We will use each of these to make the future better for our students, for our community, and for the world at large. 

Campus Aerial wide


Leading Into Tomorrow

As we head into the coming year, I pray that we will all consider the future of Mount Paran Christian School, understanding that we have all been called by our Savior to love and to lead. Dr. Harold Best, former Dean of the Conservatory at Wheaton College, wrote that excellence is being better tomorrow than we are today. May it be so for us.


Soli Deo Gloria,

Timothy P. Wiens, Ed.D




Dr. Tim Wiens comes to MPCS with impeccable credentials and is beginning his tenure at Mount Paran Christian School in 2018.


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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.