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Motivated by School Mission

October 10, 2023

It is logical for confusion to exist when those of us in K-12 Christian education begin to define ourselves. It should be simple and straightforward, right? Well, not exactly. The many Christian schools that exist across the American landscape do share a common goal: we are colleagues who have embraced a calling to academic excellence in an environment that honors Christ preeminently. I have discovered none who refutes this. These two aspirational goals stand as the cornerstones and foundations on which Christian education has been built. 

PK prayers 

Living Biblically: What's Your Word of the Year?

January 26, 2023

Each January, as we turn the page on the calendar to a new year, along comes New Year's resolutions - a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year. Of course, a new year's resolution can be great! But, all too often, what starts off as a great idea can end up feeling rigid and restrictive and is ultimately ditched after a few months. Instead, consider a different tactic to help you focus with intentionality this year: choose a word of the year.

word of the year board 

What is a Covenant School?

January 12, 2023

If you know a little about Christian education with experience as a parent, teacher, or administrator you might be aware that there are pretty significant differences among religious schools. You may have had the privilege of being a part of several different christian school communities — large and small, up north or down south, preschool or just high school. A big difference among these independent Christian schools that they may or may not share is whether they are covenantal or not. This begs the question: what does being a covenant school actually mean?


Seeing Through a New Lens: A Biblical Worldview

December 14, 2022

“For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God,
and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”

—2 Corinthians 10:4-5


No matter one’s age, there comes a time that prescription glasses become a necessary fact of life. Even if you have long had perfect 20/20 vision, eye strength weakens as we get older. We find it more and more difficult to see the small things. And, though we may fight it, wearing glasses can be a help – our view becomes once again crystal clear, sharp and in focus. What a perfect metaphor for the life of a Christian!

LS kids praying at veterans chapel 

Faith and Intellect as One

December 01, 2022

The motto of Mount Paran Christian school is, “A place where faith and intellect grow as one.” In Latin, it translates to, Fides et intellectus simul unus. It is on our crest, but more importantly, this principle is woven into the fabric of what, how, and why we teach and learn together at MPCS.


Saint Augustine, in the 4th century, was known to have said, “All truth is God’s truth.” Since the beginning, we, at MPCS, have wholeheartedly endorsed this ideal and the theological position that affirms there is and can be no separation of the sacred and the secular in life and learning. In other words, we believe in the immersion of biblical understanding and truth in all we do and in all we study.

MS bible 

3 Reasons Why I Believe in Christian Schools

January 06, 2022

Why do I believe so strongly in Christian education, and particularly in independent Christian schooling? There are numerous reasons, starting with my perspective on education in general, specifically, K-12 education. Beyond that, the benefits of an independent Christian education for today’s learners are eternal.

Preschool worship 

Philosophy of Belonging - 4 Tips for Fostering a Diverse Culture

December 07, 2021

With the Christmas season upon us, as Christians, we are reminded that, even at the moment of His birth, Jesus found himself on the outskirts of society. There was quite literally no room for Him at the inn. Jesus was a baby born to a teenage mother in the lowliest of places. But, He was also “the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Matthew 1:1). Jesus was the embodiment of the diversity marking God’s kingdom. 


Innovation in Education: Teaching Cultural Awareness

February 24, 2021

Which sports legend is responsible for once saying,
“Hank Aaron is the only man I idolize more than myself”? 

What holiday did professor Dr. Maulana Karenga create?

Who became the first black woman millionaire and
invented hair care products for black women?


These questions represent but a few of the many thousands of historical and modern-day facts that middle school students study as part of the annual Black History Bowl — an academic quiz-bowl competition run by the Kennesaw Teen Center. Middle school students who participate with the Mount Paran Christian School Black History Bowl team dedicate their time to learning facts such as these.

BHB 2021 Team 

A Call to Brotherhood: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Wisdom For Today

January 15, 2021

"The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than diamonds or silver or gold."

What is this collective friction we are feeling? Why do we find ourselves caught in growing disharmony? We are hungry, no, starving! Starving for inspiring leadership that moves us forward, together. Each January, our nation celebrates the life and legacy of the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., arguably the most peace-loving man in American history. Dr. King, above all else, honored God through his actions and by his leadership, while audaciously pursuing justice for all. His eloquent wisdom has a renewed relevance concerning our current state of affairs. 

MLK boyslil MPCS0375 

A Faith-Filled Vote

October 27, 2020

In 2026 - just six short years from now - America will celebrate its 250th anniversary. Though celebration is sure to come at this anniversary, right now our country is facing political unrest and uncertainty. Yet, this is nothing new for America. In fact, the formation of our “new republic” was anything but certain. The idea that a democracy would work - that a single leader elected by the people would relinquish power peaceably - was unfathomable. And, yet, thanks to the vision of the Founding Fathers, America’s democratic “experiment” has been successful for the last two-and-a-half centuries.


“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”


vote blog20200925-MPCS8085 

How Does Faith Influence Politics?

October 15, 2020

The 2020 election is quickly approaching. As political discourse and debate begin to consume the public’s consciousness, Christians should ask, “How does faith influence political participation, allegiance, and decisions?” 

blog ms forumMOJO5724 

CommUNITY: How Do We Love One Another?

September 23, 2020

As a continuation of the "Campaign for CommUNITY",  Head of High School and Assistant Head of School Tawanna Rusk shares her thoughts on how to best #LoveOneAnother — the theme for this school year. By modeling our lives after Jesus's example, we can be united as one in the body of Christ, while appreciating our unique God-given talents and differences.



Understanding God: Why Does God Allow Evil?

August 19, 2020

The Bible instructors at Mount Paran Christian School have a vast knowledge of the Christian faith that they graciously share during their courses for students. These instructors have agreed to extend their expertise to a summer blog series exploring various aspects of Christianity. In this final installment of the series, Bible teacher Scott Minear addresses the challenging topic of reconciling the existence of evil in a world ruled by a loving God.

The problem of evil is the proverbial bogeyman of Christianity. A monster hiding beneath the bed or within the closet, whose presence we ignore for fear of discovering a horrific reality we are ill-equipped to understand and resolve. Despite efforts to hide within a tightly wrapped cocoon of bed sheets while fervently shutting anxious eyes, we still hear and feel the monster’s destructive movement and hostile presence. News of evil is exhaustingly constant. Experience of evil is undeniably painful. Evil, saturating human experience, is a problem, and the problem requires a definition and response.


Understanding God: What is Hell Like?

August 05, 2020

Hell is not a topic of conversation that comes up regularly for most people. This is understandable, of course, since hell is not a pleasant topic to discuss in the first place. Imagine sitting down at the dinner table and asking, "So who wants to talk about hell tonight?" The harsh glances and side-eyes would likely shut down the conversation quickly. Nevertheless, as Christians, it is essential to know what we believe about hell and why we believe what we do. Being firmly grounded in our beliefs will only help to portray the Christian Gospel accurately and better evangelize to those who are lost.


Understanding God: Do We Have Free Will?

July 31, 2020

Understanding God’s sovereignty can be tricky. Some Christians may say, “Oh, that’s how I became saved, because He made me come to know Him.” Others suggest, “That’s just a Calvinistic word that is overused.” Even others confess, “I have no idea what that is.” The spectrum of responses reflects an over-reliance on or even ignorance to what God’s sovereignty is and what it is means in our lives, frustrating most theologians and Bible teachers.

HS freewill 

Understanding God: Don't Mimic Culture

July 23, 2020

There is a serious issue as it relates to church and culture. Some believers struggle to grasp the fact that the church is called to engage culture, not to become indiscriminate consumers of it. Many believe that the issue stems from a failure to understand the true mission of Christ’s church. In addition, there is often a failure to understand that Christ’s Gospel transcends culture.

worship smLR-0035 

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Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.

It is logical for confusion to exist when those of us in K-12 Christian education begin to define ourselves. It should be simple and straightforward, right? Well, not exactly. The...

Each January, as we turn the page on the calendar to a new year, along comes New Year's resolutions - a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop...

If you know a little about Christian education with experience as a parent, teacher, or administrator you might be aware that there are pretty significant differences among...

“For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of...

The motto of Mount Paran Christian school is, “A place where faith and intellect grow as one.” In Latin, it translates to, Fides et intellectus simul unus. It is on our crest, but...

Why do I believe so strongly in Christian education, and particularly in independent Christian schooling? There are numerous reasons, starting with my perspective on education in...

With the Christmas season upon us, as Christians, we are reminded that, even at the moment of His birth, Jesus found himself on the outskirts of society. There was quite literally...

Which sports legend is responsible for once saying,“Hank Aaron is the only man I idolize more than myself”? 

What holiday did professor Dr. Maulana Karenga create?

Who became the...

"The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than diamonds or silver or gold."

What is this collective friction we are feeling? Why do we find ourselves caught in...

In 2026 - just six short years from now - America will celebrate its 250th anniversary. Though celebration is sure to come at this anniversary, right now our country is facing...

The 2020 election is quickly approaching. As political discourse and debate begin to consume the public’s consciousness, Christians should ask, “How does faith influence political...

As a continuation of the "Campaign for CommUNITY", Head of High School and Assistant Head of School Tawanna Rusk shares her thoughts on how to best #LoveOneAnother — the theme for...

The Bible instructors at Mount Paran Christian School have a vast knowledge of the Christian faith that they graciously share during their courses for students. These instructors...

Hell is not a topic of conversation that comes up regularly for most people. This is understandable, of course, since hell is not a pleasant topic to discuss in the first place....

Understanding God’s sovereignty can be tricky. Some Christians may say, “Oh, that’s how I became saved, because He made me come to know Him.” Others suggest, “That’s just a...

There is a serious issue as it relates to church and culture. Some believers struggle to grasp the fact that the church is called to engage culture, not to become indiscriminate...


Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.


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