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How to Foster Creative Kids of Character in the Arts

December 02, 2024

Arts education in students and how it shapes their academic, social, emotional, and maturational development is within the context of a well-rounded education. This is also a truism for all schools, but more importantly, the arts plays a critical role in Christian education as it applies to creating servant-leaders who will glorify God through the use of their talents. 


Why God Created the Arts

July 12, 2024

The creation of art dates back to the creation of the world — all the way back to Genesis in the Bible. We can read the story of Genesis and witness the beauty of creation all around us and everything that God created, in all his artistry. As humans created in His image, it isn’t a stretch to realize that we have that same yearning as He does for creating beautiful things. We see a continuation of this biblical alignment of creation and art within the story of Exodus when the tribes of Israel built the temples and began to use the word “artisans” and skilled workers. 


3 Reasons Why I Believe in Christian Schools

January 06, 2022

Why do I believe so strongly in Christian education, and particularly in independent Christian schooling? There are numerous reasons, starting with my perspective on education in general, specifically, K-12 education. Beyond that, the benefits of an independent Christian education for today’s learners are eternal.

Preschool worship 

Letter to My Alma Mater: Arts

October 24, 2019

From encouraging creative thinking to working collaboratively, from honing skills to building confidence, the arts provide both an outlet for expression and input for developing innate artistic talent.

For the second part of the “Letter to My Alma Mater” series, MPCS alumni share how participation in the arts at the school changed their lives and offer advice for aspiring artists.

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Get There From Here: Arts in College

May 24, 2019

The ability to pursue arts degrees and careers after attending MPCS is simple and well-proven. Mount Paran Christian School has a unique, world-class facility and capable staff focused to prepare students for the study of the arts in higher education, be it instrumental or vocal music performance, dance, theatre, technical theatre, commercial music, traditional and digital visual arts, arts education, arts therapy, film-making, or cinematography – you name it. If an MPCS student can dream it, the arts program at MPCS can deliver instruction and provide experiences to help get them ready for arts majors in college. More importantly, we do so through the lens of our mission to fulfill the calling placed on them through their artistic gifts.




Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.

Arts education in students and how it shapes their academic, social, emotional, and maturational development is within the context of a well-rounded education. This is also a...

The creation of art dates back to the creation of the world — all the way back to Genesis in the Bible. We can read the story of Genesis and witness the beauty of creation all...

Why do I believe so strongly in Christian education, and particularly in independent Christian schooling? There are numerous reasons, starting with my perspective on education in...

From encouraging creative thinking to working collaboratively, from honing skills to building confidence, the arts provide both an outlet for expression and input for developing...

The ability to pursue arts degrees and careers after attending MPCS is simple and well-proven. Mount Paran Christian School has a unique, world-class facility and capable staff...


Welcome to WingTips, a Mount Paran Christian School Blog. The MPCS Blog features many independent school contributors and thought-leaders.

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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.


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