United In Christ
UNITY: the state of being united or joined as a whole. What a powerful act… when put into practice.
In thinking about what unity looks like in a person, or someone who promotes unity as an essence of who they are, a few attributes arise. They are people who are gatherers, who bring people in, bring people together, and make everyone feel like they are valued and loved — and in doing so, they create a sense of unity.
A United Front
There is something special about this school. No doubt the main reason is that Jesus is the center, but there’s something else…
the people.
There is an overall “I AM FOR YOU, not against you" cheerleading squad. There is an overall “I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU TO SUCCEED—I WANT YOU TO SUCCEED”... this is what a community of unity looks like. It looks like: “I am going to see your gifts and talents and help you hone in on them and provide an environment in which you will be able to use them to the best of your abilities.” Is this a perfect environment? Obviously not, but I would challenge you to look at the big picture.
God has given each of us unique gifts in order to bring unity in His Kingdom to ultimately glorify him. This is what we are created for! I challenge you to think what unity is not. Unity is not comparison, prideful competition, envy, turning a deaf ear, or gossip. This is what tears community apart. Our gifts are not the same by God’s design. We all bring something to the table that someone else cannot. God uses YOU as an important piece to His amazing plan. We are designed to live in peace, in love, in unity.
God’s word says:
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, NIV).
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11, NIV)
The challenge for us all as we begin a new year and the second half of a semester is to ask ourselves… are you cheering others on? Are you helping others up? Do you desire to see others succeed? Are you a gatherer? Are you promoting unity?
Why We Do What We Do
Those of us in the teaching profession know we did not go into education for the money or the accolades. We are here for the students. Something happened in our lives that made us want to work in education. Whether a teacher, administrator, or in admissions, something drew you here. Take a second to remember. Mine was that I was the subject of many jokes and taunting in 4th and 5th grade and I had a teacher that spoke up and spoke words of truth into me and changed the culture of my classroom to bring unity among my classmates. It changed my life, so I wanted to change the lives of others. What an amazing gift and responsibility we have to breathe life into our students by speaking words of love and truth in the name of Jesus! What was it for you? Remember… don’t forget.
In closing, let me remind you — you are loved, you are valued, you are an important part of our MPCS family. Your presence and your gifts make a difference. You cheering others on makes a difference in the lives of your coworkers and your students. Your patience, your gentleness, your sympathy, your empathy, you seeing the best in others, your joy, your love — these attributes make a difference! The gravity of what unites us together, of what was sacrificed on the cross for you and for me, should move us in such a way that we look different, act different, and teach different, and that the only byproduct, the ONLY response, is the desire to be united in Christ! So, stay strong, stay focused… Christ’s work in YOU is an important part of our school being UNITED in Christ.
God reminds us:
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11, NIV)
UNITY: the state of being united or joined as a whole. What a powerful act… when put into practice. You make the difference for every student at MPCS.
Lindy Jones serves as the Assistant Director of Christian Life and Lower School STEAM Teacher at Mount Paran Christian School.
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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.