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Relentless Effort the MPC Way


The MPC Way has been incorporated into the value system of the teams at Mount Paran Christian School. Our athletes are continually learning what it means to live out the five core values. One of the most difficult goals to accomplish as an athlete is putting forth relentless effort. Relentless effort means putting in the hard work and having determination. MPC coaches challenge student-athletes to focus on the goal and to put forth the effort to set themselves up for greatness. Sports involving running test a competitor's stamina like no other. The Mount Paran Christian track and field and cross country teams have showcased relentless effort even when the odds were stacked against them.



blogTC7A0102Running in cross country or track are two of the most strenuous sports in which to participate. In track, every rep, every set, and every break counts. It is a game between the body and the mind. The mind wants to give up even when the body is capable of pushing for more. The grit inside an athlete is what determines the final outcome. In track, every second and every millisecond matters to potentially reaching the goals desired at the finish line. Long-distance running tests will and mental stamina at a completely different level. MPCS has provided student-athletes with experienced coaches who have also had their fair share of challenges and successes on the track. Experienced coaches help motivate our athletes to make them understand that the more work given, the greater the margin of success.


Jeremiah 32:19 says, “Great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. Your eyes are open to the ways of all mankind; you reward each person according to their conduct and as their deeds deserve.” This verse explains that those who work to their fullest potential and do things for the glory of God, will reap the rewards of the work put in. When asked what drives him everyday to continue to push his body to the max, senior Jonny House responded, “I know I am not the fastest person in the state, and I don't want to settle for being region champion. I know I haven't reached my fullest potential, so I continue to push myself and my teammates so we can make strides to reaching our long-term goals.”




Relentless effort also includes major dedication and discipline. In running sports it’s vital to stay disciplined. For the body to perform at its peak, eating healthy, stretching, and rest and recovery all contribute to performing at the max potential. Concerning the importance of eating right to prepare for a race, senior Grant Pulley responded, “Track is very important to me, so before races I eat a healthy meal, hydrate, and stretch. Track is a mental sport, and if I feel good and know I have prepared properly, then personally I know I will perform better.” Senior Julian McElhaney added, "Cross country is a mental sport, as is track. Running miles on miles in the woods can often get difficult. However, I train my body in such a way that I can put myself in a position to be able to handle running for longer distances.”





1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” This verse emphasizes the importance of caring for the body, for it is a blessing from God. When  constantly pushing the body to the max on the track, help the body recover by doing the little things. Coach Anderson, varsity MPC track coach, stated, “During practice I make the team warm-up and cool down for periods of time before and after training to help the body recover from the workouts.” Coaches take care to ensure runners have mental clarity and rest so they can push themselves further physically. The school offers high performance workout facilities, experienced trainers, ice baths, and a turf room for stretching and recovery for our competitors.




blogTC7C9318ybWith cross country in the books for this year, and the track and field season underway, MPC has developed athletes to demonstrate relentless effort when representing the Eagles. Cross country requires focus at all times — training the body to withstand hills and rocky terrain. The sport requires extreme preparation and that is why coach Jason Beard (head XC coach) always preaches, “Go hard at practice, so that when it is race time, the race feels easier, because you are prepared. Focus on your body, so you can reach your top performance.”

Track and field events require mental toughness and the proper training as well. MPC has continued to storm through regionals the past few seasons, having individuals qualify for state and even achieve individual State titles. If athletes are driven mentally,  prepared physically, and are focused on a goal — nothing can stop them from being the best version of themselves. While staying humble, the Eagles are determined to have one of their best seasons of running yet under the MPC Way!




Jonny House '19 is a senior at MPCS. He is currently an intern for the Marketing and Communications department as part of the GoLead academic program for leadership development. Mr. House has ambition to study sports marketing and hopes to continue his own athletic career at the college level after graduation.


Mount Paran Christian athletics offers 64 teams in 15 different sports and boasts 9 recent State championships. Click here to learn more.


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