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Glowing for God

Matthew 5:14 — “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”

In the classroom, on the field, during lunch, and in the quiet moments in between, special things are happening at Mount Paran Christian School. There is more to the school day than just science labs and math facts.

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Girls in the fifth grade took the initiative to participate in a Bible study during lunch on Thursdays with the lower school counselor. One student, Peyton E., expressed a desire to study the book of Ruth with her classmates. Teachers obliged and have encouraged the girls to engage in the study in addition to their academic load. What has followed has led to fruitful discussions and a sweet time of fellowship for these tweens.

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The study of Ruth has opened the door for other girls to take turns leading and sharing each week. Fifth-grader, Ansley H. focused her week’s lesson on Matthew 5:14. She introduced the verse by writing it out on a large poster and having all the girls read it aloud. While they ate lunch together, Ansley led a discussion on what it means to “glow for God” even in difficult times. She facilitated the conversations by giving groups different situations that preteen girls may experience, such as gossip or leaving others out. She then asked the group to share how they could “glow” in the midst of the particular circumstances.

To complement the lesson, each girl was given a snack bag and a glow stick with the theme scripture attached. She encouraged them to shine for Jesus! This type of maturity and Godly wisdom shines from Ansley and many other MPCS students on a daily basis. It is one of the natural outcomes of a Christ-centered education.



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A Light for Younger Children

One great benefit of our school is the mentoring opportunities provided when students are able to teach younger children about Christian life. These fifth-grade girls took their lesson deeper by sharing with younger students. They visited the preschool building and led a chapel service for the three- and four-year olds. The lesson on how to “glow for God” was introduced to the children in the areas of being respectful to their teachers and sharing with their friends. The preschoolers were extra attentive to these young mentors as they taught a valuable lesson that was truly relevant for all of us. These opportunities are unique to MPCS, providing teachable moments for younger students as well as accountability for older students as they lead by example.



Dana Gray is the lower school counselor at Mount Paran Christian School.

To learn more about how spiritual development is fostered at MPCS, please click here.



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Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.